SPE 590A Learning Behavior Specialist II Internship

This internship is required for all candidates seeking a LBSII Certificate. The seminar provides the candidates an opportunity to describe and reflect upon their knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching; to evaluate and integrate theory and practice; to examine implications of practice for themselves, students, and community; and apply information learned in the LBSII coursework. Candidates may enroll in the internship for one semester hour for three terms in conjunction with other LBSII courses or can take it for 3 credits. Students may repeat this course for up to 3 credits for each LBSII program. Prerequisite(s): Learning Behavior Specialist I Certification. This would be the final internship for LBSII candidates after taking three courses for either LBSII Curricular Adaptation Specialist or LBSII Assistive Technology Specialist. 1-3 semester hours