RLR 595BH Special Topic: Teaching for Acceleration with Emerging and Striving Readers, Part 1

This course is for classroom teachers and others who work with striving readers during the acquisition phase of reading. It is designed to promote teachers’ understanding of the causes of reading difficulties in the primary grades, the use of formative assessments for diagnosing and remediating students’ needs, and the kinds of instruction best suited to meeting the needs of struggling readers. Participants in this course will explore the theoretical basis of effective intervention strategies as they carefully observe and instruct one or more students across one quarter. Focus will be placed on formative assessment of striving readers and on instructional strategies that best meet their needs, including word study and guided reading that best meet their needs. Prerequisite(s); RLL 478, RLL 537 or RLL 538 or equivalent from another university. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hours