ECE 400CB CB Infant/Toddler Mental Health and Trauma Informed Practice

This course provides students with an overview of infant/ toddler mental health, including an investigation into its importance and impact in the overall well-being and development of an infant/toddler, with a focus on biological and environmental risks and eligibility for early intervention. Special consideration is given to advocacy for practices, policies, and systems to support the significance of infant/toddler mental health and learning. This course is designed to cover INCCRRA Gateways to Opportunities Infant Toddler Credential Competencies: HGD7, CPD5, FCR7, PPD5. NOTE: this course is only open to students in the ECE Competency-Based program. Pre-requisite(s): EDU 200CB and EDU 210CB, or Gateways Level 2 ECE Credential. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours