School Level Leadership, Ed.D. (State Credential Track IL)

The Ed.D. degree program develops leadership capacities based on national building-level standards. The program fosters capabilities in developing a shared vision of learning; sustaining positive and safe school cultures and instructional programs; managing school operational systems; using performance information to improve school programs; leading with integrity and equity within professional, legal, and policy frameworks; and advocating for school students, teachers, staff, families, and caregivers. The program develops leaders through substantial and sustained educational leadership projects, guided application experiences within educational settings, and key assessments of proficiency in developing leadership competencies.

Program Learning Outcomes

Through the program, candidates will gain and apply knowledge and dispositions so as to ensure that all students are at the center of all educational decisions. Specifically, Program Learning Outcomes of the EDL program include the following:

PLO 1: Mission, Vision and Improvement: Candidates collaboratively lead, design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a core set of values and priorities.

PLO 2: Ethics and Professional Norms: Candidates understand and demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact professional norms.

PLO 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness: Candidates develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive school culture.

PLO 4: Learning and Instruction: Candidates evaluate, develop, and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports, and assessment.

PLO 5: Community and External Leadership: Candidates to engage families, community, and school personnel in order to strengthen student learning, support school improvement, and advocate for the needs of their school and community.

PLO 6: Operations and Management: Candidates improve management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems; to develop and improve data-informed and equitable school resource plans; and to apply laws, policies, and regulations.

PLO 7: Research: Candidates will create a doctoral research dissertation situated in the field of educational leadership and contribute new knowledge to the field. (Ed.D.)

In addition to National College of Education Doctoral Admissions Requirements, applicants must:

  • Have a master's degree from a school with regional accreditation
  • Provide letter of recommendation on official letterhead from the principal or human resources verifying at least two years of teaching experience (four years of teaching experience in a public or non-public school recognized by ISBE is required prior to endorsement)
  • Provide a copy of the applicant’s valid and current Illinois Professional Educator License. Candidates without the current Illinois teaching license seeking to earn an administrative PEL or administrative endorsement approved by ISBE must meet the requirements in the Illinois School Code Part 25.25 coursework in the following areas:
    • Characteristics and methods of instruction for cross-categorical special education students (SPE 500)
    • Methods of reading and reading in the content area (RLP 550 or RLP 540)
    • Instructional Strategies for English learners which shall address bilingual education or English as a Second Language (CIL 505 or CIL 506)
      • Please note: These requirements must be completed before entitlement and an administrative PEL will not be issued until they are met. Candidates who earn an administrative PEL without holding teaching PEL will not be able to add teaching endorsements.     
  • Sit for a faculty interview with no fewer than two full time faculty (
  • Submit a Portfolio
    • Resume
    • Two Letters of Recommendation
    • Support for all students achieving high standards of learning
    • Accomplished classroom instruction, which shall include data providing evidence of two years of student growth and learning within the last five years
    • Significant leadership roles in past positions
    • Strong oral and written communication skills
    • Analytic abilities needed to collect and analyze data for student improvement
    • Demonstrated respect for family and community
    • Strong interpersonal skills
    • Knowledge of curriculum and instructional practices
  • Submit an on-site, written response by the applicant to an education scenario provided by the program
  • Provide written statement describing (1) career goals and how an Ed.D. in school leadership will help achieve those goals and (2) description of a problem of practice within their school that could serve as their dissertation topic.
  • Prior NLU graduates who completed the Ed.S. Ed Leadership – Ed Leadership (Principal) program in Illinois within the last 5 years may be admitted to the Ed.D. program and apply all Ed.S. credits. Candidates who have completed the program over 5 years ago, but less than 10 years may request an exception from the program chair.

Program Details:

  • Requires 61 SH for Ed.D. completion
  • Requires an internship
  • Requires a dissertation
  • Credit by Portfolio may be accepted for EDL 529, EDL 605 and EDL 628.
  • Candidates may apply 30 SH of Ed.S. in Ed Leadership, Educational Leadership Major (State Credential Track, Illinois) completed within the last 5 years to Ed.D. Educational Leadership in School Level Leadership major
  • Candidates who completed Ed.S. Educational Leadership, Educational Leadership Major- Principal more than 5 but less than 10 years ago can apply all 30 SH with the program chair approval; this is verified at the time of admission to the program.

Additional ISBE Requirements for Endorsement:

  • Candidates must pass Principal as an Instructional Leader Content Area Tests (#195 and #196)
  • Candidates must be a certified Teacher Evaluator
  • Candidates must meet the requirements for 25.25 a.
  • Candidates must complete the following courses to apply for the Principal Endorsement: EDL 510, EDL 520, EDL 521, EDL 522, EDL 523, EDL 525, EDL 526, EDL 527, EDL 528, EDL 529, EDL 570, EDL 571, EDL 571, and EDL 598.

Required Courses

Major Requirements

EDL 510Change Leadership for Organizational Equity, Development, and Continuous Improvement


EDL 520Leading Diverse Schools


EDL 521Building School Community Partnerships


EDL 522Leading Student-Centered Schools


EDL 523Navigating School and Special Education Law


EDL 525Decision-Making for Educational Systems and Organizations


EDL 526Realizing Vision through Technical, Human, and Financial Resources


EDL 527Guaranteeing a Differentiated and Coherent Curriculum


EDL 528Maintaining Accountability with Data Use and Program Evaluation


EDL 529Improving Instruction through Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development


EDL 570Internship Seminar I: Organizing Leadership Competency Planning


EDL 571Internship Seminar II: Resume Building and Professional Writing for Educational Leaders


EDL 572Internship Seminar III: Demonstrating School Leadership Competence


EDL 598Administration and Supervision Internship

1 TO 6

EDL 605Leading Change


EDL 606Utilizing Effective Leadership Principles and Processes


EDL 625Scholarly Writing for Practitioners

1 TO 4

EDL 628Analyzing and Using Data for Systemic Improvement


EDL 630Understanding and Using Educational Research


EDL 632Utilizing Data to Inform Decision Making


CCD 699JDissertation: Educational Leadership

1 to 12

Note: EDL 598 must be taken for 6 SH. EDL 625 must be taken for 4 SH. CCD 699J must be taken for a total of 12 SH.