Technology Specialist Endorsement

The technology sequence of courses at NLU fulfills the State of Illinois guidelines for the preparation of Technology Specialist. Candidates are referred to the website of the Illinois State Board of Education for specific requirements, updates and amendments.

In addition to the National Louis University Graduate Admission Requirements, applicants must:

  • Hold a valid Illinois Professional Educator License (PEL)

Program Details: 

  • Requires 18 SH for completion  
  • A grade of “C” or better in all coursework is required
  • Requires passing of the Technology Specialist Test #223
  • Note: Candidates may be eligible for financial aid. Contact the Financial Aid office for more information.

Required Courses

Technology Specialist 18SH

LSE 500Introduction to the Learning Sciences and Technology


LSE 525Designing Digital Age Learning Environments


LSE 532Visionary Leadership for Digital Learning Contexts


LSE 535Instructional Design Foundations for Digital Age Learning Environments

1 TO 3

LSE 542Digital Tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment


LSE 575Leading Learning Technologies and Instructional Design with Shared Vision


Note: LSE 535 must be taken for 3 semester hours.

Upon completion of all endorsement requirements, candidates may apply for state endorsement in Technology Specialist though NLU's entitlement process.

Visit ISBE website for additional information