PSYD 824A Intervention Capstone Sequence - CCE-I

This course involves the completion of the Intervention Capstone Sequence. The Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation-Intervention (CCE-I) is designed to help the student develop the necessary skills in psychotherapy and case analysis. The student demonstrates the competency by successfully completing the following tasks: observations of clinical skills, a written report, and an oral presentation of a client case. The CCE-I requires the submission of recorded therapy sessions, a theoretical essay, case conceptualization, and treatment plan, summary of treatment, diversity essay, and a self-reflection paper. No credit hours are earned, but enrollment allow students to maintain a less than half-time active enrollment status for up to one semester while completing the CCE-I. It also creates a transcript record, reflecting enrollment for the Intervention Capstone Sequence and the ultimate outcome of all attempts with a final grade of "Pass" or "No Credit." This course is part of the Florida School of Professional Psychology curriculum. Pre-requisite(s): PSYD 701, PSYD 710B, PSYD 730, PSYD 731, PSYD 736, PSYD 737, PSYD 740, PSYD 744, PSYD 771, PSYD 772, PSYD 773, PSYD 801, Co-requisite(s): None. 0 semester hours