HSM 500 Human Services Management: Principles and Practices

This course introduces students to the graduate study of human services management by combining an overview of management practices in the profession with an exploration of the students’ interest areas within it. Students explore the role of a manager in human services and the successful transition to and advancement in the managerial role. Students discuss the stakeholders in human services, diversity of services offered and specialties of providers, and accountability for outcomes to various stakeholders. Students also explore the key aspects of managing self, employees, and relationships with external organizations, such as boards, unions, trade organizations, volunteers, and consultants. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing; or permission of the Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSM 505 Managing Systems and Funding in Human Services

This course introduces students to managing systems and funding in human services. Students explore the array of systems that must be managed and how these systems intersect with each other. Students discuss the manager’s role, influence, and involvement with each system. Students also explore the various funding sources and their impact on human service agency practices and on their role as a human services manager. In addition, students discuss the legal issues one may face and the significance of mastering contract negotiations with funders, vendors, and stakeholders in human services. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 500; or permission of the Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSM 508 Research and Evaluation Methodology

Introduces students to principles and methods of social research and prepares students to appropriately apply these skills in the conduct of program evaluation and other program management applications. Emphasis will be placed on the research context for decision making in the planning, design, analysis and reporting of applied research. Prerequisite: HSA 510 or HSC 500. 3 semester hours


HSM 520 Interventions and Direct Services in Human Services

This course introduces students to the interventions and direct services in human services. Students explore how human services intersect with each other, and their role, influence, and involvement with community systems. Students discuss the impact of environmental trends, the value of strategic thinking and planning, and human service agency procedures that promote and value diversity. Students also explore current programmatic emphasis on the influence of care, regulations and licensure requirements, federal and state initiatives’ impact on human service agency practices and on one’s role as a human services manager. Pre-requisite(s):HSM 500; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSM 530 Professional Communication in Human Services

This course introduces students to the techniques of effective communication in human services. Students explore oral and written communication skills to make connections with others and provide a means of accomplishing organizational goals. Students discuss strategies for improving communication and resolving conflicts, facilitating both internal and external communication to enhance information exchange. Students also explore the key aspects of persuading others and advocating with elected or appointed officials, donors or potential donors, and community members. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 500; or permission of the Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSM 533X Counseling Practicum Continuation

All students enrolled in the Counseling Masters Degree or the School Counseling Certificate are expected to achieve a required number of practicum/internship experience and supervision hours. When extenuating circumstances occur that deter a student from achieving the required number of hours within normal time parameters, a student may be able to continue accumulating hours and attending mandated university supervision for additional terms. The Practicum Continuation is a continuation of HSC 533 and the course awards no academic credit, but allows a student to remain a registered student of the university while completing their practicum hour requirements. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 533. Co-requisite(s): None. 0 semester hour


HSM 584X

All students enrolled in the Counseling Masters Degree or the School Counseling Certificate are expected to achieve a required number of practicum/internship experience and supervision hours. When extenuating circumstances occur that deter a student from achieving the required number of hours within normal time parameters, a student may be able to continue accumulating hours and attending mandated university supervision for additional terms. The Internship I Continuation is a continuation of HSC 581 and the course awards no academic credit, but allows a student to remain a registered student of the university while completing their practicum hour requirements. Pre-requisite(s): HSC 581. Co-requisite(s): None. 0 semester hour


HSM 585X Internship and Supervision Continuation

All students enrolled in the C & HS Department's Counseling Masters Degree or the School Counseling Certificate are expected to achieve a required number of practicum/internship experience and supervision hours. When extenuating circumstances occur that deter a student from achieving the required number of hours within normal time parameters, a student may be able to continue accumulating hours and attending mandated university supervision for additional terms. The Internship & Supervision Continuation course awards no academic credit, but allows a student to remain a registered student of the university while completing their internship & supervision hour requirements. Prerequisite(s): The first time a student registers for this course they must have masters standing, consent of instructor, and prior registration in the internship courses required for this degree. Students wishing to register for a second or third quarter of this course must petition the C&HS Department. Co-requisite(s): Student must continue to attend supervision part of class and meet all other HSC 581, HSC 582 or HSM 581, HSM 582, HSM 583, HSM 584, HSM 585 class expectations. 0 semester hours


HSM 589 Human Services Management Laboratory

This is a required capstone course for the M.S. in Human Services Management program. This course concentrates on utilizing problem analysis methodology and provides students with opportunities to practice problem resolution applications through in-class role playing activities. Working in teams and utilizing a pragmatic management problem-solving tool, students analyze actual management problems that occur in their agencies/companies and develop problem resolution strategies to address such problems. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 500, HSM 505, HSM 520, HSM 530, RES 510, RES 520, MBA 503, HSM 520, MHA 527, LAP 693; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


HSM 592 Practicum in Human Services Management

The practicum in human services management enables students to integrate theory with experiential learning in a field placement at a single or multiple human services agencies and/or related organizations. Students engage in supervised and structured experiences and must complete a minimum of 45 hours of practicum and related activities per semester credit hour earned. This course may be taken multiple times for upto a total of six semester credit hours. Pre-requisite(s): HSM 500 and RES 510; or permission of the Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 1-6 semester hours

1 TO 6

HSM 594 Independent Study/Human Services

Independent studies offering for Graduate level Human Service students. Permits the student to design and undertake individual study and research in an area approved by the instructor. Topics and depth of study will vary according to the student interest and amount of credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Program and Instructor's Approval. 1-3 semester hours

1 TO 3

HSM 595 Special Topics/Human Services

Special Topics courses are developed to address advanced graduate student interest and needs in the area(s) of specialty focus study. Course may be registered for more than once as the topical content varies each time offered. 1 - 3 semester hours.

1 TO 5