HCL 499 Strategic Analysis and Planning in Health Care

Strategic Analysis and Planning in Health Care is the capstone course for the Health Care Leadership major which draws on the content of all previously completed courses. This course guides students through the fundamentals of strategic analysis of departmental-level changes for a health care organization or the delivery of a new service or product. Students conduct strategic analyses of the external and internal environments, assess strategic alternatives and choices, and present a strategic plan for change. They further analyze factors associated with implementing a strategic plan, with a focus on managing change and assessing the outcomes of strategic plans. Pre-requisite(s): HCL 301, HCL 311, HCL 316, HCL 320, HCL 326, HCL 350, HCL 410, HCL 416, HCL 421, HCL 426, HCL 431 AND PJM 300; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours