Standards for Academic Review

The purpose of the Standards for Academic Review is to monitor students attending National Louis University to ensure that they receive the support necessary to succeed and achieve their goals. The policy also addresses eligibility for continuation at and reentry or readmission to the University.

All students will have their academic progress reviewed at the end of each quarter. If a student’s review warrants a change in standing, as described below, it will be communicated to the student in writing.


In determination of the student academic standing, NLU uses Undergraduate Level GPA for undergraduate students and Program GPA for graduate students.

The information given here is the general policy of the University. In addition to these rules, individual programs have their own specific requirements regarding repeating courses, grade point averages and acceptable grades. Please see individual programs for specific restrictions.

Eligibility for financial aid is governed by the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Withdrawal and In-Progress (Incomplete) Grades

Courses with withdrawal (W, WW, WS, WF, WN) grades and those with in-progress/incomplete (I, IE) grades are included in hours attempted but not in hours passed.

Failure to Meet Academic Standards

Academic Warning

The first term a student drops below the required cumulative GPA (Level GPA for undergraduate students and Program GPA for graduate students) or completion ratio/pace of 67% they will be placed on Academic Warning. It is recommended that students meet with their academic advisor or student success coach to improve their academic work. If the student meets the review criteria the next term, they will return to good academic standing.

Academic Suspension

The second consecutive term a student does not meet academic standards they will be placed on Academic Suspension. At this time the student is required to meet with their academic advisor and develop an academic plan within 7 days of the Academic Suspension notification email.

If the plan is accepted, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. If the student meets academic standards the following term, they will return to good academic standing.

Academic Probation

A student on Academic Probation must meet the terms of their academic plan to remain on Academic Probation. If they do not meet the terms of the plan, they will be subject to Academic Dismissal.

Academic Dismissal

If a student on Academic Probation fails to meet the terms of the academic plan, they will be subject to Academic Dismissal. A student may petition to the Office of the Registrar.

Upon dismissal, eligibility for all federal, state and institutional aid for NLU courses is withdrawn.

Please note that students receiving financial aid are also required to meet the terms of Satisfactory Academic Progress, which is a separate policy governed by federal financial aid regulations.

Academic Review Criteria

There are two criteria for measuring academic progress at NLU.

Qualitative: Students must maintain a minimum undergraduate level GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate students or a minimum program GPA of 3.0 for graduate students.

Quantitative: Students must receive passing grades of A, B, C, D, P or X in at least 67% of credits attempted. Credit hours attempted also include withdrawals (WW, WS, WF or WN), in progress evaluation (I, IE), no credit (N) and failing (F) grade.

These criteria are cumulative and include all periods of the student’s enrollment.

Appeal Procedures

Academic Dismissal Appeal Procedures

A student dismissed for reasons of academic ineligibility may be permitted to return to NLU after two terms of nonenrollment. The student must write a personal statement submitted to the University Registrar by their Academic Advisor that is 1-2 pages in length and addresses the following:

  • Identify the issues that led to academic difficulty (documentation of any extenuating circumstance cited is required)
  • List corrective steps taken to address these issues and describe what has changed these issues that will now allow for success
  • List any college credit earned since dismissal proving that steps for success have been implemented and provide a copy of the unofficial transcript (note: college credit taken elsewhere since Academic Dismissal is strongly encouraged)
  • Provide an agreed upon course schedule for the first term of enrollment

Upon receipt, the appeal will be sent to the College Dean, or appointee, for review and a decision. The decision is non-appealable.  Students are eligible to appeal again within one academic term.

If the appeal is approved, the student will return on Academic Warning (AW) status for one term and have their academic status reviewed at the end of the first term.  Students may be required by the institution to meet non-course requirements, including, but not limited to, appointments with Learning Support or the University Counseling Center, at the discretion of the college dean or designee. If the request is submitted after one year of nonenrollment, the request will be subject to the Policy on Returning to NLU.

Financial Aid Appeal Procedures

Students who have been suspended from financial aid eligibility for not meeting minimum required academic progress, may need to follow a separate appeals process. See the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Instructions to determine eligibility to submit a financial aid appeal. 

Other Appeals

Dismissals for reasons other than academic ineligibility, including those related to student conduct decisions, may be enforced for a longer period or prohibit a student from reinstatement. Please refer to the Student Conduct Process for more details.