This course focuses on the delivery of population-focused nursing care to communities and population groups with emphasis on the role of the nurse in health promotion, disease prevention and intervention. Pre-requites(s): NUR 205. Co-requites(s): None. 5 quarter hours
This course provides opportunities for students to apply theoretical concepts in the assessment, planning, delivery, and evaluation of culturally competent nursing care delivered to individuals, communities and populations across diverse healthcare settings. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): NUR 400. 2 quarter hours
This course is designed to prepare students to assist individual, families and communities to achieve and maintain optimal mental health. An epidemiologic model is used to help students understand nursing care of families and individuals experiencing mental disorders across the life cycle in a variety of settings. Pre-requisite(s): NUR 303, NUR 300, PSY 101, and PSY 315. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
This clinical course is designed to prepare students in assisting persons (individuals, families, communities) to achieve and maintain optimal mental health. An epidemiologic model will be used to help students guide their nursing care of families and individuals experiencing mental health disorders in a variety of settings. In these settings, students use critical thinking (clinical reasoning) to apply knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to provide nursing care. Pre-requisite(s): NUR 304C, NUR 300, and PSY 315. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 quarter hours
This course focuses on the nursing care of adults experiencing complex health problems. Physical, psychosocial, cultural, spiritual assessments and health data are incorporated into identifying nursing care problems, establishing patient goals, selecting appropriate interventions, and evaluating the care of adults experiencing complex health problems. Pre-requisite(s): NUR 300, NUR 304, and PSY 315. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
This course provides opportunities for students to apply theoretical concepts in the assessment, planning, delivery, and evaluation of culturally competent nursing care delivered to individuals experiencing acute health problems. Pre-requisite(s): NUR 300, NUR 304C and PSY 315. Co-requisite(s): None. 2 quarter hours
This course emphasizes the role of the nurse leader in professional nursing practice and provides an introduction to the theory and practice of nursing leadership and management. The emphasis is on understanding the key components of the leadership/management process which include critically thinking, communicating effectively, handling conflict, delegating successfully, controlling resources, improving quality and safety, and leading change. Focus is on the nursing role of the leader/manager in practice settings and improving the quality and safety of patient populations. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 5 quarter hours
This course is the culmination of all clinical courses in preparing the student for the transition to professional nursing practice. Students will have the opportunity to work alongside a nurse preceptor while caring for a full patient load in a variety of patient care environments. Students will utilize critical thinking and clinical judgment to patient care delivery. Pre-requisite(s): NUR 300, NUR 304C and PSY 315. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 quarter hours