ENG 101 Beginning English Composition

This is the first course in a three-term sequence of composition courses. English Composition is designed to develop students’ abilities to think, organize and express their ideas clearly and effectively in writing. This course incorporates reading, writing, discussion, collaboration, and critical thinking. Emphasis is placed on the various forms of expository writing such as description, narration, and argumentation. The class time is split between the classroom and online work, some in an adaptive learning environment. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): ENG 101L is required for Pathways students only. 5 quarter hours


ENG 101L Corequisite Lab for ENG 101

This lab supports Beginning English Composition (ENG 101) through just-in-time review of foundational skills and additional practice aligned to milestone assignments of English 101. Emphasis is placed on reading practice and strategies, as well as utilizing a process-based approach. The course includes intensive instruction and practice in writing organized, coherent, and effective paragraphs and essays, as well as instruction in grammar, mechanics, and usage. As an accelerated corequisite lab, this course enables students to complete ENG 101 and 101L in the same term, rather than requiring a remedial or developmental course before English 101. This approach enables students to develop writing skills quickly and complete college writing requirements faster than a typical sequential model with prerequisite developmental courses. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): ENG101. 0 quarter hours